After so long, I finally have it: the coveted B/P rank of Supreme Commander! I have 30,000 B/P points right now, and all that grinding to get here was worth it.
I'd like to give special thanks to @modnaryug for inspiring me to dust off this account and start this journey in the first place. A couple years back, he had a respectable presence on YouTube before the moderation decided furry inflation was too hot for the platform, so his account got banned. He decided to set up shop on Newgrounds, and a lot of his audience were willing to support him on that site, myself included. Admittedly, I was driven by anxiety about his future on the site at first, given the whole "hostility towards furries" thing... I was relieved to find out it wasn't that big a deal nowadays, even if he still got hate reviews for making furry inflation. I dunno, I just feel like furry and fetish content should be treated with respect and not like the cheese touch.
All of that aside, I feel proud of getting this far. It's one item off the bucket list.
I'm pretty sure I'm the 322nd Newgrounder to achieve Supreme Commander rank.